Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Thursday, July 07, 2005

As of today..

As of today, I am 322 months old, 1,399 weeks old and 9,796 days old...for some reason, this doesn't sound much to me... but 26 sounds bit much.
Ate dinner with S.K and his friends last night. It wasn't all that comfortable hanging out with them but it ended up to be a pretty good night. Some of the stories I heard about him was quite entertaining...Found out that he can't ride roller coasters or any of the adventurous rides. I never met someone who lost his voice over a Nitro(one of the most exciting roller coaster at six flag). Honestly, it was a bit disappointing but how can I measure someone to my own standard. Hm...
It's been a most exhausting week so far. Fireworks on Monday was pretty frustrating since I had to rush home for work next morning. It was fun hanging out with countless crowd in the beginning but not after 2 hours of standing and waiting for the fireworks to start. I think I prefer to stay home and relax. Yeah...I am 322 months old...


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